1966, France: Jean Desjoyaux

In 1966,  Jean Desjoyaux, a self-employed builder, undertook the tedious task of constructing a swimming pool for his family, his three children in particular.  Surprising even himself, upon completion, Jean Desjoyaux would come to realise that a swimming pool was not just concrete, coping stones and water; it was contagious happiness, a shared family spirit.  Over time, it even brought friends and neighbours together, in a relaxed atmosphere reminiscent of the best holidays. And for Jean Desjoyaux, this delightful experience sealed a conviction within himself that every family should have the right to enjoy the laughter, fun and wonderful memories that a family pool brings. With that inspiration, Piscines Desjoyaux was founded.

Jean Desjoyaux – Founder of Desjoyaux Pools (1928 – 2015)


Our pools are signed with our name!

The pool that Jean Desjoyaux built for his family in 1966. It is still in use today.

Jean Desjoyaux’s three children enjoying the pool their father built-                      together with him.

Jean Desjoyaux’s children carrying on the tradition of Desjoyaux pools.

The late Jean Desjoyaux was evidently creative in more ways than one –               two of his many paintings.